Dr. Mercola, オーガニックヒマラヤンホワイトティー、18ティーバッグ、1.27オンス (36 g)



商品説明 Premium Nutrition USDA Organic Delicate Sweet, Floral Flavor Naturally Caffeinated Certified By OTCOTraditional White TeaHimalayan White Tea is grown in the Darjeeling region of India in the Himalayan Foothills, and area with abundant wildlife and lively, nurtured soil. This tea offers a crisp yet delicate floral flavor and contains some caffeine, making it an invigorating option in the morning or as an afternoon boost.Dr. Mercola’s Certified Organic Teas are sourced only from top quality organic tea farms adhering to the strictest organic growing practices and standards, using gentler, more environmentally friendly fertilizers and amendments approved by the National Organic Program.This light, delicate, floral tea is harvested in India on small, family owned tea farms. The growing methods they use focus on harmony between wildlife and agriculture as well as ecological responsibility to bring you pure, high quality teas.”I am passionate about formulating my products using a holistic approach for optimal health and wellness.”-Dr. Joseph MercolaPremium Products – Compare my ingredients to other leading brands. You’ll see the pride taken in producing simple, high quality products you can trust.My Mission – Partner with leading charities committed to protect your right to achieve optimal health. ご使用の目安 How to brew a great cup of Organic Himalayan White Tea: Place one (1) tea bag into tea mug. Pour not quite boiling water over tea bag to fully saturate and fill up mug. Steep for 4 to 5 minutes, carefully remove tea bag, and enjoy. To make a pot of tea or a quart of iced tea, add four (4) tea bags instead of one. If brewing iced tea, brew the tea as instructed above, then allow to cool and serve over ice. 成分その他 有機白茶の葉 免責事項 hfl8.comでは、製品情報や画像は最新のものを提供するように努めてはおりますが、メーカーでの急な変更の際に、サイトの更新に間に合わない場合があります。






重さ 0.17 kg
サイズ 11.7 cm


