Natural Factors, BioCoenzymated、パンテチン、450 mg、60ソフトジェル




Dietary Supplement EnviroSimplex Processed Plant Extracts The Most Metabolically Active Form With Pantesin Purity & Potency Guaranteed Isura – Non-GMO – Mass Spec – Documentation – Lab TestedWhat Does Coenzymated Mean?In order for B vitamins to be utilized effectively by the body, they must be converted into their metabolically active coenzyme forms. For example, the coenzyme form of pantothenic acid is pantethine.A coenzyme is a naturally occurring compound that partners with specific enzymes in order to help promote a number of beneficial metabolic reactions in the body. Without the coenzyme, the enzyme cannot promote the biochemical reaction that is responsible for our survival. This dual cooperation between coenzyme and enzyme is a process called coenzymated.Taking B vitamins already in their coenzymated forms allows the body to use them directly. Thus, the amount that is needed by the body is less in order to achieve the same benefits. Biocoenzymated takes it one step further. Using our proprietary EnviroSimplex technology, we’ve created a unique biocoenzymated process using organic, farm fresh plant extracts from whole food sources and the coenzyme form of B vitamins. The synergy between the phytochemicals found in these plant extracts and the coenzyme B vitamin optimizes absorption.The results? Biocoenzymated delivers the most metabolically active nutrients to your cells to utilize most effectively.Feel the difference.Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is an essential nutrient used in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA), a cofactor in many metabolic pathways. CoA is important for carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and energy metabolism. Pantethine is the coenzyme form of vitamin B5. Taking Pantethine allows for greater absorption and bioavailability than non-coenzyme forms. Pantethine helps support healthy serum lipid levels and is important for healthy cardiovascular function through its antioxidant activity. Natural Factors uses branded Pantesin, a high-quality pharmaceutical-grade form of pantethine.isura: This product has passed the most rigorous testing in the world for contaminants and quality.


1 softgel 1-2 times per day or as directed by a health professional.


ソフトジェル(ゼラチン、グリセリン、精製水)、農場の新鮮な要因† 。

†活性野菜 – 有機ケール、有機アルファルファ、有機コリアンダーの葉、有機パセリ、ケッパーベリー、発芽ニンニク、有機アーティチョーク、有機タンポポ、大麦草、コショウ、有機セロリの種、有機ビーツ、有機トマト。

アブラナ科の野菜 – わさび根茎(Wasabia japonica)由来の完全に活性なグルコシノレートおよびミロシナーゼ酵素および新鮮な凍結乾燥発芽ブロッコリ、有機高地クレス、大根、赤大根、有機キャベツ、有機ルッコラ、有機クレソンの葉超果実ポリフェノール – ブドウ、ザクロ、イチゴ、有機ブルーベリー、ラズベリー、ビルベリー、有機インドグーズベリー、シザンドラベリー、赤オレンジ、有機アサイベリー。

ハーブと植物 – セラクラミンクルクミン、有機カフェイン抜きの緑茶エキス、有機ショウガ根茎、有機エキナセア、有機オレガノ、有機ペパーミント、有機スペアミント。

全植物海の野菜 – 有機スピルリナ、有機クロレラ、紅藻、藍藻、昆布。



FDAおよびカナダ保健省のGMP(Good Manufacturing Practices)に準拠して安全性と効力を確保するために、ナチュラルファクターによって製造されています。


Cautions: As with any supplement, consult your health professional before use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive, or if you are taking medication, have a medical condition, or anticipate a surgery. Keep out of the reach of children.Sealed for your protection. Do not use if seal is broken. For freshness, store in a cool, dry place.






補足の事実 サービングのサイズ: 1ソフトジェル 1回あたりの量 デイリーバリュー% パンテシン(パンテシン) 450 mg **


重さ 0.09 kg
サイズ 10.7 cm


